The art of getting lost despite having a GPS

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who Dee?

Did someone actually use Twitter to confuse Heavy Dee with Ruby Dee, and say that she had died last night, instead of the rapper?!

When do you make your move?

If the speed limit is 55, how long do you remain behind someone who is doing 35?  Or do you stay behind them at all?  It is such a smooth ride between home and Shaw's (my daughter) job.  The same street all the way down.  The speed changes at least six times between here and there, but it never goes below 45.  Why do I get stuck behind someone doidng 35???  Then, when I get around the person, glance over and what do I see?  They are on the phone OR, it is an elderly person who can barely see over the steering wheel.  What can you do?  You can scream at the person, but what good will that do?  It is not against the law in North Carolina to talk on the phone while driving...I've even seen the police doing it.

Are we having fun yet?